The CE marking is a key indicator (but not proof) of a product’s compliance with European Union (EU) health, safety and environmental protection directives and regulations.
If your product comes under the scope of a directive requiring CE marking you must ensure the product complies with the applicable requirements and affix the CE mark before placing it in the market in the European Economic Area (EEA) (see “Countries In Which The CE Marking Is Required” below for a description of the countries that are included in the EEA). This is equally valid if your product is manufactured outside the EEA. Second hand products from outside the EEA that are placed in the EEA market for the first time, also require CE marking.
Often the CE marking is described as a trade passport because it enables the free movement of products within the European market. According to EU legislation, the EU Member States are not allowed to restrict the placing on the market of CE marked products, unless such measures can be justified on the basis of evidence of the non-compliance of the product. CE marking does not indicate that a product was made in the European Union.